Monday, February 21, 2011

Illustrator Aztec Assignment

This is my first attempt at Illustrator EVER! We were instructed to trace an Aztec design and fill with colour. I'm not really satisfied with the colour palette I chose but I don't have time to be fussy! More work to come...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Self Portrait

In my Digital Photography class my first assignment was a self portrait. We were specifically told NO FACEBOOK SHOTS! Also, to tell the viewer something about yourself. Naturally, my portrait included a disco ball.

I thought I'd also share the 'before' photo with y'all. As you can clearly see, the lighting provided by one ceiling light is quite shitty. Thanks PhotoShop!


Shout-outs to the 2 people from ARUBA who accidentally viewed my blog.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Line Drawings

These are the ink line drawings that I created for the PaperZoo project. OOOooooHHhh.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Story of Roadkill

Roadkill is my name. I got it when I just a kid bunny on my way to see my buddy Roger Rabbit. You may have heard of him. I was crossing the street, just as I had many times before, when I was struck. A human plowed right into me, the bastard. Lost my eye. Thats why I always wear this here eyepatch. Anyway, that human jumped outta his truck fast as lightning thinking he hit another human. When he saw it was me, a bunny, he almost spat out the words, "just some roadkill". And that's how I got my name.
How I got my superpowers? Well, when I lost my eye something strange happened. I can't really explain it...but I could suddenly move objects with my mind. I'm told it's called telekinesis but I just call it awesome.