Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alien Queen

Hey y'all! So I just got my comp fixed (thanks Alex) and now I can share my lovely works of art with all my lovelies! Awwwwww.

So, tons of photoshopping was done to achieve this stunning look. Tools included patch, liquify, transform, lots of digital painting....and some other tools that I can't remember the names for....
Lips were challenging...

I like the way the eyes and circuitry turned out. Yeah.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011


Ok, so I decided to go over the sketch with ink and now I have these frickin ugly smudges all over the place. But....aha! Computers and software and stuff (ie. my magic) will eliminate it! More to follow!

Skate Deck

My dog punched me in the face today.

Here is my sketch for my deck. Now I need to make it all jazzy in illustrator.